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Do you have what it takes to solve the murder mystery of Mr. Boddy? In the classic game of Clue you will need to discover which room the murder took place, the weapon that was used, and who the killer is. Be the first person to collect all the facts and solve this mystery.

I will teach you how to play Clue and give you game-winning tips. Me and my family love playing Clue. It is a fun and easy game to learn to play.

Clue can be played with 2-6 players and is normally about an hour long.

How to Play Clue – Setup

  • Separate all the cards by type and shuffle them separately.
  • Secretly choose one card from each pile in place inside the evidence envelope.
  • Shuffle all the rest of the cards back together and pass them out clockwise to each player. It is all right if some players have an extra card.
  • Everyone chooses their player token they want to use and puts all the tokens in their designated spaces on the board.
  • Place one weapon in each room.
  • Make sure that every player has a checklist to make notes, if you’re playing an old game and have run out of checklists then you can use blank paper to make your notes.


As players roll a die to move around the mansion, you will be heading to specific rooms. After visiting the rooms you will try to deduce the facts in the murder. When you believe you have the correct facts about the murder, you may make an accusation to win the game.

How to play Clue

Moving the Pieces

The game starts with Miss Scarlet and then goes in a clockwise directions around the table. The first player will roll the die and move their token however many spaces are shown on the die either horizontally or vertically, not diagonally. You do not have to have the exact number to enter a room.

When you are ready to move to a different room you have a few options. If there is a secret passage in your room you may use it on your turn instead of rolling the die. You may also roll the die to exit into the hallway to get to another room. If another player names you as a suspect in a different room then your token is moved to the new room.

Suggesting a Suspect

Now that you’re inside of a room the real fun begins. You can make a suggestion to start deducing who the murderer is, what weapon was used, and the location of the murder. For instance you can say ” I think it was Professor Plum with the rope in the lounge.”

* Note: you may only suggest the room that you are currently in. If you need to figure out a different room then you have to move across the board.

Once a suggestion has been made, that players token and the murder weapon moves to the room. The player to the left then must show one card that disproves the suggestion, and only one card if they have more than one. This card should only be seen by the person making the suggestion. If they do not have a card to disprove the suggestion then the next player must try to disprove your suggestion by showing a card. Again, if they don’t have a card that they can show you it continues around the table until someone can finally show you a card or it gets back to you. If no one is able to show you a card then you may have figured out one of the cards in the center of the board.

Use your notepad to keep track of any cards that are shown to you. It is also important to keep your notepad hidden as you do not want anyone else to know what is written down.

Making a Final Accusation

If you believe you have narrowed down all your information and know the facts of the case, you may make an accusation at the end of your turn. Announce to all the players what’s your accusation is and secretly check the evidence envelope in the middle of the board. If you are correct, congratulations you have won the game! However if you are wrong, you are out of the game and have lost. You still hold onto your cards and show them to players like normal when suggestions are made, however your turns are skipped from now on.

Advanced Tips

Now that you know how to play Clue, I will teach you a few of my strategies that I use play this game. By using a bit of strategy and cleverness you can give yourself an edge playing this game. If you follow these tips and suggestions, you will have a lot better chance of winning.

  1. Information is always key! Always write down other players suggestions and who showed them a card. By doing this you will eventually learn what players have what cards without having to make suggestions yourself. For instance: if player 2 makes a suggestion of “Professor Plum with the rope in the lounge” and player 3 shows them a card. Player 4 has already shown you a rope card and you have Professor plum in your hand then you KNOW that player 3 just showed the lounge card. Use other players turns to your advantage.
  2. Always try to show the same cards. If another player suggests the same card you will want to show them the same card you showed the first time. Don’t give out any more information than you have to.
  3. You will want to show your room cards absolutely last. These are the hardest cards to deduce as you have to move around the board to figure them out.
  4. Use your own cards to your advantage. If trying to narrow in on a specific type of card (like the weapon), make suggestions using a room and person you have in your hand.
  5. If the game has been going for a while and you suspect someone else might be getting close to the answer, make a suggestion using all three of the cards you have in your hand to throw people off the trail. When no one can show you a card you could even then mutter to yourself (just within earshot) that someone must not have shown a card on a previous turn to throw them off even more. This works best if you use cards you have not shown to anyone before.
  6. Alternatively if you suspect another player only needs a location, you may keep calling them to other rooms to pull them away from the room that they are trying to get to.
How to Play Clue

How to Play Clue – Video Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you ask questions on clue?

Once your token has made it into a room you may make one suggestion each turn if you want. You then decide what player and weapon you are using in your suggestion.

What is the purpose of the game of Clue?

The game of Clue is a murder mystery board game in which you try to figure out the details of the murder of Mr. Boddy.

Can you play Clue with 2 players?

Yes, this game supports 2-6 players.


Now that you know how to play Clue, and have game-winning tips you will be having a blast with your family and friends. I hope I have answered all your questions and have been able to clarify the rules for you. Now get out your magnifying glass and your detective hat and solve the mystery of Mr. Boddy’s murder! And as you do I am sure that you will have plenty of Board Game Smiles!

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